My Dynamic Teams Principles

Over the last 15 years of working with organisations I have come to realise that corporate values for the most part don’t work. For all their good intention and substantial investment generally fail to empower and motivate the workplace, instead becoming hollow sentiments that most employees can’t even remember.

Instead I work with what I call dynamic principles. These energetic behaviours or ways of working can be built into day to day business practices. But, that’s just like values, I hear you say. Well, they kind of are but here’s the key difference and it’s an important one. Values are internally focused while dynamic principles are market focused. Dynamic Principles are shaped and designed around matching the pace of the market, not your internal needs and wants. That’s why they work, they help you become more market and customer centric.


Radical Purpose

We can make the planet better. Life has created a unique set of conditions and circumstances for us to work together, so we don’t take that lightly. Therefore, we embrace extreme ownership and total commitment in everything we do while also paying it forward into the bigger picture. #thanks Elon!

Next Practice

Creating a new kind of normal. We continually adapt, adopt and smash new things, models, approaches and technologies together to create products and new ways of working that promote organisational maturity and agility that are completely new and novel.



Experience Centric

Embrace the entire value chain. We believe in going beyond just customer focus and fulfilment, we focus on experience centricity by embracing exceptional relationships with all of our key stakeholders, which means…..a better me, a better you, a better us.

Total Self

Bring all of yourself to work. We think, no, we know, that everyone has more to offer than just their job description or title. We encourage our own employees and our clients to bring all of themselves to every engagement with us. We want all your ideas vision and passion, we want you to commit to create the best possible result for yourselves, for those around you and for the planet.
